Franchise News
Dunkin' Donuts 24 New Restaurants In Texas and 12 New Airport Locations in 2013
Dunkin' Donuts announced Monday the signing of a multi-unit store development agreement with new franchise group, Coffee Action West, LLC, for 21 traditional Dunkin' Donuts restaurants and three Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin-Robbins combination units in the Austin, Texas, Metro Area.
Latest News
Starbucks Introduces $7 Cup Coffee, Jimmy Kimmel Does Taste Test Claiming no Difference
Starbucks introduced its most expensive cup of coffee which is from Costa Rica Finca Palmilera and will retail for $7 a cup.
McDonald's Store in Illinois Closes Following Possible Salmonella Contamination
A McDonald's restaurant in Bloomington, Illinois as Health officials investigate an outbreak of salmonella cases in which the victims all claim to have eaten at this particular McDonald's store.
Panda Express Introduces New Holiday Dish, Firecracker Chicken Breast
Panda Express is introducing a new meal, the Firecracker Chicken Breast on November 28 until January 29, just in time for the holiday season.
Adam Levine Slams the Roxy Nightclub, Gets Cheeky Response via Twitter
Adam Levine slammed a club, The Roxy, where he used to perform at before his band, Maroon 5, made it big.
Dunkin' Donuts' 'Best Coffee in America' Trademark Request Denied
Dunkin' Donuts' application to trademark the phrase 'Best Coffee in America' have been tentatively rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office, according to a report.
Giving Tuesday: How to Get Involved and Give Back to Nonprofits
Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, what's next? Ah yes, Giving Tuesday. Unlike the other shopping days, today is dedicated to giving back to the community and to charities.
White Castle Selling Holiday Themed Items Online, Check out Cyber Monday Deals
White Castle has rolled out new merchandise for the holiday season on its website
Alexandra "Sasha" McHale, Houston Rockets Coach Kevin McHale Dies at 23
Alexandra "Sasha" McHale, the daughter of Houston Rockets coach Kevin McHale, died Saturday afternoon, at the age of 23, according to reports.
Cyber Monday Deals 2012: Where to Find Coupons for More Savings, Amazon's Hot Listings
Cyber Monday is upon us and shoppers online on scrambling to find the best deal from online retail giants like Amazon, eBay and big box stores like Walmart, Sears, Kohls and more. Cyber Monday sales are expected to jump 20 percent from 2011, CBS News reports.