Is Facebook Really Losing Its Popularity? Study Shows Social Media Giant on the Decline
Neil Gaiman And Terry Pratchett’s Novel ‘Good Omens: The Nice And Accurate Prophecies Of Agnes Nutter, Witch’ Debuts On Radio; Will TV And Film Adaptation Be In Development Soon?
Back to Chernobyl: Brown Bear Appears in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
It has been more than a decade since the Chernobyl incident took place. Now, it lies in desolation and has been reduced to ruins. Only authorized individuals with specialized equipment can come in under strict supervision, as the area is still believed to be covered in fatal radiation.
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Latest Dying Light Walkthrough Trailer Reveals Gameplay And Single Player Combat [VIDEO]; Three DLC Packs Unleashed As Zombie Survival Video Game Nears Release Date
Techland's upcoming horror survival game Dying Light nears its 2015 release date and developers have continued to tease fans with trailers and three downloadable content packs that will not make the wait any easier.
Arrow Season 3 Spoiler, News And Update: How Did Arrow Paid Tribute To Batman And Comics Fans
The final Arrow Season 3 episode for fall featured the fight between Ra's Al Ghul (Matt Nable) and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) wherein (spoiler alert) the latter was defeated. The fight scene between Starling City's mysterious vigilante and the Demon Head is one of the most shocking scenes in the CW Network series' third season. While many are thinking about how Amell's Arrow will go back from the dead, some are still stuck on that last scene. They are asking, why do they have to do it in a snowy mountain, without shirts on.
Gotham Series Spoiler, Update, And More: More Good News For Fox Show; Cast Thanks Fans For Support
Ratings performance of Fox TV series Gotham was not really that great for a show that had so much fan fare before it aired its first episode. However, as the season picks up, the Batman-inspired show's viewership became more solid. There's no confirmation of a second season yet. However, with this latest news, it looks like Gotham is up for a great future.
Hannibal Season 3 Spoiler Update: Good News And Bad News About Mason Verger
You are probably wondering why there is no news talking about Mason Verger for the upcoming new season of Hannibal. If you can recall from the NBC TV series' sophomore run, Verger (played by Michael Pitt) was drove by Dr. Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) to madness and made him eat his own face. Earlier Hannibal Season 3 spoilers revealed that Verger's assistant will return. This is why you can't blame fans to assume that they will see Mason again.
Orphan Black Season 3 Release Date Is Near But First, Learn More About One Of First Male Clones
Orphan Black Season 3 release its second teaser video a few days ago with the tag line 'This is War.' Four of the original clones, all portrayed by Tatiana Maslany, appeared in that clip but the one that took away the spot light is the male clone played by Ari Millen. As you can recall from the final episode of last season, it is revealed that male clones have been created by Castor Corp to serve in the army. Female clones like Sarah and Helena have already met some of their male counterparts but they were not aware they were just created on the laboratory.
Sony Hack Attack: US Senator John McCain Wants Vigorous Retaliation On Hackers Of Movie Firm Saying Cyber Attack Is New Form Of Warfare
A few days ago, US President Barack Obama called out Sony Pictures Entertainment for their response to the hackers that have been troubling them for weeks now. The Sony hack attack occurred early this month and has leaked yet-to-be released movies 'racist' emails exchange between the company's top executives.
Wendy's Reveals Senior Leadership Changes, Invests in Technology
Wendy's announced changes in its senior leadership to further promote its digital efforts and international branding.
Samsung Galaxy S5 Vs Huawei Honor 6: Showdown Of The Two Powerful Flagships; Design, Features, And Specs Compared
Samsung Galaxy S5 Vs Huawei Honor 6: we pitted down these two smartphones to help you find out which flagship you should purchase.
OnePlus One Vs Google Nexus 5: Which Flagship Stands Out? Design, Features And Specs Compared
The two affordable flagships pitted down. Check out this comparison of design, features and specs from Tech Radar and Stuff.