Franchise News
Australian McDonald's Music Selection Change Lures Away Unwanted Teenage Crowds
A McDonald's in Australia has changed its music selection to lure away teenage crowds. A McDonald's in Mount Annan, Sydney Austrailia has been forcing teenagers off of its premises with classical music late at night after The Telegraph reported Friday.
Latest News
Winamp Shutting Down: Music Software Program Ceases Dec. 20
Winamp is stopping its synchronization ability Dec. 20. The once popular Winamp media player will cease Dec. 20 after 15 years of providing the music software, its service, and website to users CNN Money reported Wednesday.
McDonald's Employee Tips: Suggestions For Low Wages Irritates 'Low Pay Is Not Ok' Advocate Group (VIDEO)
The Low Pay Is Not Ok advocate group is not happy with McDonald's suggestions to cope with low wages.
McDonald's Holds Off On McRib's National Launch; Leaves Choice Up to Individual Franchises
McDonald's is not launching its McRib nationally, but rather leaving the decision up to each individual store.
Pastor Discovers Bible in Fiction Section of Southern California Costco (VIDEO)
A pastor in Southern California found a bible in the fiction section of a Costco. A bible found in the fiction section of a Southern California Costco has created an uproar The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.
Boston Market Menu: Catering and Other Meal Options Available for Thanksgiving; Restaurants Open For Dine-In or Carry-Out
Boston Market has catering and other meal options for Thanksgiving. Boston Market will provide catering and other meal options at all of its 460 locations for Thanksgiving the franchise restaurant chain said in a press release on its website Monday.
USPlabs Dietary Product Recall: FDA Pulls Back Additional Raspberry Lemonade OxyElite Pro Thermo Powder (LIST)
OxyElite Pro Thermo Powder has been included in the United States Food and Drug Administration's recall.
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's Equality Award Sparks Controversy About Anti-Gay Comments
Chick-fil-A chief executive officer's reception of the Atlanta Urban League's Equality Award has raised questions.
J.C. Penney's Latest Numbers Leave Retailer Optimistic About Future
J.C. Penney is on the rebound after posting optimistic numbers last month. Despite its struggles in the third fiscal quarter Wednesday, J. C. Penney expected to have better numbers during the fourth fiscal quarter CNN Money reported Wednesday.
Wisconsin Man Sentenced At least 29 Months For Expectorating into McDonald's Snack Wrap
A Wisconsin man was sentenced for putting his saliva into a McDonald's snack a police officer had ordered.