Franchise News
Glass Onion Catering Recall: 181, 620 Pounds of Salad, Wraps Pulled Back For Possible E. coli Contamination (LIST)
Veterans' Day 2013: Dollar General Among Other Companies Offering Deals For Past and Current Members (LIST)
Dollar General is one of several companies offering discounts to Veterans, and individuals currently stationed.
Latest News
Chrysler Recall: 1.2 Million Trucks Pulled Back For Steering Rod Issue
Chrsyler is recalling 1.2 million trucks. Chrysler is pulling back 1. 2 million trucks because there steering system tie rods can go off their track The Detroit News reported Saturday.
Microwave Popcorn: FDA's Trans Fat Ban Could Include Snack Item
The United State Food and Drug Administration ban on trans fats in food could include popcorn. The United States Food and Drug Administration's potential riddance of trans fat in food products could include those such as microwave popcorn WebProNews reported.
Early-Bird Shoppers Enter Best Buy 6 a.m. Thanksgiving Day
Best Buy opens 6 a.m. Thanksgiving Day. Eager shoppers can get an early start on their holiday shopping with Best Buy's 6 a. m. start time the company said in a release on its website.
500 Pound Man Refused Boarding On British Airways Flight Back Home to France (VIDEO)
A 500 pound man was told he could not board a British Airways flight back home to France because of his size.
Five Wal-Mart Employees Arrested For Protesting Low Wages in Los Angeles
Five Wal-Mart employees were among 49 total people arrested for protesting low wages in Los Angeles.
Home Depot Racist Tweet: Controversial Post Costs Employee Job (PHOTO)
A Home Depot employee was fired for posting a photo deemed 'racist.' A Home Depot employee has been fired after posting a tweet deemed 'racist' the examiner reported Friday.
Boy Suspended For Purse: 13-Year-Old Kansas Middle School Student Reprimanded For Not Removing Vera Bradley Bag (VIDEO)
A 13-year-old Kansas middle school student was suspended for not taking off his Vera Bradley purse. A 13 year-old Kansas eighth grade middle school student claims he was suspended from school Wednesday for not removing his Vera Bradley purse television station KCTV reported Wednesday.
Medical Staff Put Lego Wheel On Tortoise 'Schilidi''s Injured Leg (VIDEO)
Doctors put a lego wheel leg on Schilidi the tortoise. Schilidi, a bionic tortoise has a new Lego wheel leg after German veterans found the animal without the real body part The Local reported Thursday.
McDonald 3-D Printing: Method Could Be Used For Happy Meal Toys and Kitchen Equipment
McDonalds could make happy meal toys through 3-D printing. Kids may get a treat in the future if McDonald's creates happy meal toys with 3-D printers Tech World reported Wednesday.