Franchise News
Boeing 787 Dreamliner 'Hairline Cracks' on Wings Prompt Investigation
The wings on 43 Boeing 787 dreamliner airplanes have slight cracks. The wings on Boeing 787 dreamliner aircrafts are under tight surveillance after hairline cracks were found on 43 aircrafts, yet to be sent out to commercial customers.
Latest News
Apple Reigns as Top Seller, Android Wins Smartphone Platform
A report comScore has determined that Apple was the top smartphone manufacturer in January while Android was the most used mobile platform.
Night Vision Camera App Could Burn a Hole in Your Pocket Without You Knowing!
A night vision camera application on Google Play parses phone numbers from Whatsapp and signs you up for a messaging service--without you knowing.
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Rises due to New School Meal Standards
A new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) shows that adding more fruits and vegetables to meals at schools leads to kids eating healthier food. The study is based on new standards made by the federal government in 2012, which required schools to provide healthier meals for children.
NYPD to Solve Crimes with New Tablets: Cops to Test Pilot Program
New York police officers will soon be using tablets in order to test out a new crime data app. NYPD Commissioner William Bratton announced on Tuesday that the department will begin using hand-held tablets to test a new pilot program.
Iowa Man Now 56 Pounds Lighter Just By Eating McDonalds
An Iowa man has lost 29 additional pounds since starting a McDonald's only experimental diet. A high school biology teacher in Iowa is now 56 pounds lighter from just eating McDonalds.
Samsung Reveals Milk: iTunes Radio Rival Streams Music from 200 Stations
Samsung on Friday introduced Milk, an ad free radio service that allows users to stream music from more than 200 stations.
Privacy Groups Ask FTC to Halt $19 Billion Facebook WhatsApp Deal
Privacy advocates have filed a complaint with the FTC asking it to examine Facebook's Whatsapp deal to determine if Facebook could tinker with Whatsapp's privacy policy.
Bitcoin 'Founder' Dorian Nakamoto Claims He Is Not the Elusive Satoshi Nakamoto
The 64-year old Dorian Nakamoto of Temple City who was identified by Newsweek as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin's anonymous founder, has denied he is Satoshi Nakamoto.
"Lose An Hour Gain A Doughnut" At Select Krispy Kreme Locations Sunday
Krispy Kreme offers free doughnuts for its Daylight Savings Time promotion Sunday. You might be annoyed about losing an hour of sleep come Sunday at 2 a.