
Nicolas Ghesquiere Brings LV through Outer Space and Time

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From the launch of its art museum to Ghesquiere's travel to the space, LV's Paris show packed with glamor and outer-space-inspired style

The distinction between Marc Jacob's LV and Nicolas Ghesquiere's LV collection is this: Marc's LV concentrated on travel and Ghesquiere's LV is more of exploration The Vuitton saga started with trunks intended for rich and adventurous, and Jacobs showcased on rituals of high-end occasions: it starred chambermaids and bellboys, steam trains and hotel aisles. Ghesquiere prefers travel and exploration.

The famous high-end brand fashion show, Ghesquiere's second for LV, was also the debut for the latest Foundation LV, a museum of new art which holds the collection of the organization's chairman, Bernard Arnault's collection of art, which will open later in October. Frank Gehry, the architect, sees the building like an iceberg, to a cloud and to sails.

"The building looked like a space shuttle," as the designer's description of the structure. "I prefer to make the ambiance like you are entering the belly of the ship," he added. The area will have the classic LV's trunks and the owners of these trunks will get the chance to see the first class deck.

The black-motiff runway was lighted like in a spaceship. It started with digital monitors with faces of untidy men and women giving one message, "A beginning is very important time." They talked about the foundation and the newcomer Ghesquiere and his project for the brand. "The crowd sat in area that still does not exit, a ship covered with woodland, a ship that works like an incubator for innovative ideas. Recently, the brand wants to know how to travel to different parts of the outer space without moving." Voices of models were combined to give wholeness to the sound. The show was his expression of his ideas through the brand. The exploration allows you to be in different directions.

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