
'90s Product Surge Comes Back Through Amazon

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Coca-Cola brought back the failed '90s product Surge through Amazon, after noticing a Facebook movement demanding for the return of the company's answer to Pepsi's Mountain Dew.

Surge is sold exclusively in Amazon with a limited supply. It sould out an hour after the first batch went online, but they quickly refreshed the supplies.

In 1996, Coca-Cola introduced Surge, dubbed MDK or Mountain Dew Killer. Though it was off to a good start with one of the most aggressive marketing by the soda company, sales of the product waned off and was taken off the market in 2002.

A Facebook fan page called SURGE Movement demands for the company to bring back the beloved '90s drink. The page has gained hundreds of thousands likes and raised enough fund to buy a billboard outside Coke's Atlanta headquarters. The billboard read, "Dear Coke, we couldn't buy SURGE, so we bought this billboard instead." As of writing, the page has more than 140,000 likes.

Racquel Mason, associate vice president of Coca-Cola North America, said, "More than 128,000 people a dozen years after a brand left the market saying, 'Please bring it back!' That's the best compliment any brand could hope for."

President of Coca-Cola North America, Wendy Clark said that it may be the start of the company's many efforts to launch niche products if the expectations are met. It can serve as a learning experience for the company and a fun one for the fans of the product.

Coca-Cola marketed Surge from 1996 to 2001 with the slogan "Feed the Rush." Each 16-ounce can contains 230 calories and 56 grams of sugar.

The original Surge drinkers are now in their late 20s to early 40s. They're the generation who trumpet the nostalgic decade with demands to re-air old shows in the '90s and reminisce products and trends of the period.

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