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Daniel Craig May Back Out From Another ‘James Bond’ Film After 'Spectre'! ‘There Is No Contact’

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A few months ago, there were reports that Daniel Craig will retire from playing James Bond after "Spectre" - and the producers are already looking for a replacement.

However, new reports revealed that the 52-year-old actor will be doing another film for the franchise.

"I'm contracted for one more - but I'm not going to make predictions," he told Event. "It's getting harder. But such is life. I'll keep going as long as I'm physically able." There seems to be hesitation from the English actor when it comes to doing another sequel.

During a pre-recorded interview on "The Graham Norton Show," the actor was asked if he will be enticed to reprise his role because of all the money that he'll most likely earn from "Spectre."

"'I'll genuinely say that I have never done any job for the money," Craig said as reported by Mail Online.

Daniel also explained that his concern right now is the current film and not about a possible sequel.

"I can't think about another one right at the moment because we have literally just finished this one," he said. "Now all I care about it getting the film in front of an audience. But, we'll see."

Contrary to what the screen heartthrob said during an interview with Event, he revealed that he can back out from doing another "James Bond" film after "Spectre."

"There is no contract. It's up to me," he told The Sun. "I have the right to change my mind any time I want to."

Even if Daniel Craig wanted to do another movie for the popular film franchise, he has to consider his health. The actor got into an accident which caused some delay in filming "Spectre."

"I knackered my knee. Sadly the bit when I did it wasn't in the film. It was really a shame," he told Graham Norton. "I had to have surgery but it worked out quite well because everyone got a two week rest."

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