Motrin's recall of 200,000 bottles of concentrated motrin infants drops remains in effect due to the risk of small plastic particles inside the drops the company said in a press release Sunday.
"The potential for adverse medical events related to the reason for this recall is not likely," the company said.
The particles were found in a different batch while the product was being made. The drops were not released to the public, however the particles were tracked to a shipment of ibuprofen from another supplier the company reported.
Manufacturer McNeil Consumer Healthcare recalled the product a month ago and requested retailers to remove three packaging numbers of the product: half ounce bottles of concentrated Motrin Infants' Drops Original Berry Flavor. The three recalled lots were made with the same batch of ibuprofen, the company said.
The lot numbers are DCB3T01, DDB4R01 and DDB4S01 The items have a UPC code of 300450524157, and a case UPC code of 30300450524158.
Consumers who have questions and would like a refund can call the company at 1-877-414-7709.