A restaurant called "Bacon Bacon" is being forced to close after complaints of a strong bacon aroma from neighbors causing the Health Department to shut the store down.
"Bacon Bacon," the restaurant, drew fire from neighbors over proper grease disposal and other issues, and didn't address them on time, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
"We allow businesses to operate for awhile under change of ownership," said Richard Lee, director of environmental health regulatory programs, Department of Public Health. "But they didn't meet the deadline."
Richard Lee, director of environmental health regulatory programs for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, said that Bacon Bacon had applied for a health permit back in December 2011, but has yet to get approval from the planning department, according to the report.
Bacon Bacon owner Jim Angelus told the San Francisco Examiner that although he met with neighbors last year to discuss their concerns, the parties were unable to negotiate.
Neighbors say that they even offered to buy Angelus a new air filter to alleviate the smell, but he declined, the Examiner reported.
He plans to keep operating the restaurant's food truck.
Supporters have amassed more than 2,000 signatures to save the eatery on a "Save Bacon Bacon" website.