
Target Offers Free Shipping During Holidays

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For the first time, Target is offering free shipping on all items ordered online during the holidays in an effort to boost its sales.

Target Corp stated that its offer of free shipping will start on Oct. 22 until Dec. 20, weeks before the holidays officially commences.

"We know shipping costs play a big role in online purchasing decisions. We believe our free shipping offer will create excitement and incremental sales for Target," Target executive vice president and chief merchandising officer Kathee Teisja.

The offer comes after Target announced last July that they will be offering permanent free shipping for those who spend at least $50 on their online store.

Target is pushing to boost sales and rebound to clear its name from its recent shortcomings this year which includes an alleged massive security breach that compromised 40 million credit cards that hurt holiday sales back in 2013.

"It's a company that has really returned to what has made it great. We want to bring ease and convenience to our guests," Brian Cornell, Target Chief executive officer said.

Cornell took over Target in August and promised to turnaround the second largest U.S. discount chain after a huge blow last year.

Aside from free shipping, the Minneapolis-based retailer will offer more merchandise, heighten their advertising efforts (50 percent more spending on advertising compared to last year) and offer improved smartphone applications.

Target is trying to win back customers who are researching and buying using their smartphones and tablets.

Target also wants to keep up with competition offering services that cater to shoppers who want to buy from physical stores and their devices.

Target is now shipping products directly from a network of 135 stores in 38 markets so customers who ordered online can get items within one day of standard delivery.

Target reported an increase in online sales by 30 percent in the most recent quarter ended Aug. 2.

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