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‘Titanfall 2’ Another Great IP In Our Industry In The Future: Rumored To Be Released In PS4 Version!

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Titanfall 2, coming to PS4 on 2014?

According to Wall Street Journal, a source close to the game's development told them that a sequel to this year's multiplayer shooter Titanfall will launch for Xbox One and Playstation 4.

The unverified game, according to the source, is "in the planning stages."

The first Titanfall is developed by Respawn Entertainment and Bluepoint Games, and was created exclusively for Xbox One and Xbox 360, and PC.

The studio said earlier to the game's launch that it will never be released on PS4 due to a deal struck between EA and Microsoft. Titanfall, being a prominent Xbox One game, Microsoft probably wanted to make sure that it wouldn't be released on the rival console.

However, there's always a chance that Titanfall 2 could appear on PS4. Welch seems encouraged by the strong launches of the new generation of consoles.

"Oh absolutely. If you go through enough console cycles, you'll see new technologies and concepts that add a level of uncertainty about the viability of consoles. But look at what's happened - there is an unprecedented install rate for next-generation consoles. That's extraordinary. I love that Microsoft has adjusted its price value mix for the Xbox One, I think it will really help the system grow. Sony is off to an amazing start too with the PS4, and part of the reason is that the system has become so developer friendly when compared to the last generation."

"So overall I love what is happening, and it will continue to encourage us to make major triple-A titles because we know the audience is there."

While, EA declined to have a word regarding the next game's sequel.

Earlier this year, a source told GameSpot that Electronic Arts; Titanfall publisher, had reached a deal with Respawn Entertainment to make a sequel. Apparently, another report followed, saying the unannounced sequel would be a multiplatform title.

Talking about rumors, some said that a source told GameSpot that Electronic Arts; Titanfall publisher, had reached a deal with Respawn Entertainment to make a sequel which is Titanfall 2. Instead of it being for the Xbox One, the rumor suggests that the sequel will have a PS4 version.

Last month EA boss Andrew Wilson officially confirmed that EA had signed a deal with Respawn Entertainment to make more Titanfall "experiences." A sequel to Titanfall would not be much of a surprise, as the first game appeared to have sold well and captured mindshare in the first-person shooter market.

"We have nothing to announce at this particular point in time," Wilson told when asked at the interview.

"We have announced that we have extended our relationship with Respawn. I'm very happy about that. Vince and the team there are amazing. We look forward to doing stuff with them for a long time to come. But right now we're focused on the current Titanfall property."

An exact sales figure is still unknown. EA COO Peter Moore told the investors that on May 2014 financial call that Titanfall had sold 925,000 retail copies in the United States during its launch month - a number that didn't include digital sales. EA also confirmed to Eurogamer this week that Titanfall is the best-selling game on Xbox One lifetime to date, based on its own data, with a high attach rate.

"I think it went really well," Wilson said of the launch. "The demand, the anticipation was huge. People came out in droves to play that game.

"The timing of the game was really good. You'd played through the early launch set of titles. So it came at exactly the right time for me as a gamer. It was super fun. It was super innovative in terms of how you'd played it. The team at Respawn did a fantastic on the product and continue to layer in new maps and new content that is extending and enhancing the experience.

"So, I think it's going to be another great IP in our industry in the future."

Respawn Entertainment co-founder Vince Zampella was equally shy. "Don't know yet!" he said regarding Respawn's next game would be. "No decisions have been made.

In October last year, Zampella said "of course" the company will someday make a game for Sony's PlayStation 4. So, if the game is indeed only in the planning stages, it would be a surprise if we see it during EA's E3 press conference today. Still, the company has six total titles to announce.

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