
McDonald's Teams With 'MtyhBusters' To Answer Questions About Its Products Once And For All

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McDonald's teams up with star of "MythBusters" in order to put an end to questions about the food of the world's most famous chained fast-food establishment.

In a way to put an end to myths about their food and give the public the answers they've wanted to know for years, McDonald's is going to use Twitter, Facebook and YouTube with a special Q&A campaign to hopefully end it once and for all, according to

They will use former "MythBusters" host Grant Imahara for the campaign. He will visit McDonald's suppliers and restaurants nationwide and appear in a series of online videos, according to the report.

There has been a decline in U.S. sale for the past four months. McDonald's is going to take this approach with hopes to getting back to where they used to be in sales. It could be because of what people think about the food that McDonald's has put out there for decades.

"People are looking for faster, more straightforward responses to their questions about our food," Ben Stringfellow, a spokesman for McDonald's USA, said in a statement. "We're looking forward to engaging in two-way conversations with as many people as possible."

In a new YouTube video, the company filmed Americans asking questions, including some tough ones like "Does McDonald's even sell real food?" and "That pink slime...what's up with that?" One person in the clip says she has read that McDonald's food contains horse meat, according to the report.

McDonald's hasn't been off to a good start with what has gone on earlier this year. One of the company's suppliers in China, OSI Group LLC, was investigated for changing the expiration dates on food. The probe led to shortages of certain menu items and sales declines. Then in Russia, consumer-safety regulators have shut down some of the chain's locations, citing violations of sanitary rules.

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