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‘The Walking Dead: Season 3’ Video Game Release Date, Spoilers, Story, And News Updates: Find Out Which Character Gets Own Action Figure

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The success of the television series fuelled even more demand on other media adaptations, and thus resulted to clamor for "The Walking Dead: Season 3" video game release date. News and other updates are also found in this article.

The walking dead video game is an episodic game adapted from Robert Kirkman's "The Walking Dead" comic book, although the plot moves away from its television counterpart. The game may be a result of the popularity of series, however, "The Walking Dead" video game has become an entity in its own.

The first release of the game, "The Walking Dead" was in 2012. The game debuted in April 2012 for OS X, PC, and PlayStation. The developer and publisher of the game is Telltale Games associated with Skybound Entertainment. In the recent San Diego Comic Con, Telltale announces the development of "The Walking Dead: Season 3" release date.

Kevin Bruner, Telltale president announces that indeed "The Walking Dead: Season 3" video game is in the works, however the release date has yet to be set.

According to reports on "The Walking Dead: Season 3" video game release date, an indefinite late 2015 or early 2016 is foreseen. As the current latest episode of the last season ("The Walking Dead: Season 2" video game) has yet to be released.

Polygon reports, "Release date and story details on 'The Walking Dead: Season 3' weren't divulged, but considering that the game's second season is still incomplete, it's unlikely we'll see it anytime soon. Telltale Games also has 'Game of Thrones' and 'Tales from the Borderands' on its plate."

On other updates apart from "The Walking Dead: Season 3" video game release date, character Clementine is apparently getting her own action figure, announced at New York Comic-Con. Clementine is an 8-year-old character in the previous "The Walking Dead" video games.

News on "The Walking Dead: Season 3" video game release date and other information will be updated here as soon as the information has been released.

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