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X Factor US To Return? Simon Cowell Says 'I Think It Will'

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After the cancellation of the US edition of talent search "X-Factor," the franchise's creator Simon Cowell hints at a comeback.

In an interview with FT Weekend, Cowell discussed the possibility of the show's return and said "I think it will come back again."

The show did not fare as well as what Cowell expected and announced, causing it to fold. "I stupidly said at the beginning, 'We're going to get 20 million people,'" said the British music mogul. "I didn't realise the market had changed so quickly and we got 12. So I felt from the outset that we'd failed and so did everybody else. I should have thought, 'Actually, 12 is fantastic', and kept my mouth shut. I think, on both sides, it was a mistake to throw the towel in."

He also shared why he thinks the talent search would do well if and when it comes back, saying: "The thing about 'X Factor' is you know what you're getting. If we said, 'There's a low base of five to six million', we might build on that but it won't be less, compared to a new drama that might only be a million. There's a reason it produces so many stars, unlike the other shows. It doesn't rely on gimmicks: a spinning char, or a wall going up and down. I genuinely do believe it's the best format."

The man who put together One Direction in 2010 and the judge who's been known for throwing criticism to talent show contestants easily also spoke about judging his own talents. "I've got really, really good attention to detail," Cowell said.

He added, "Even when I'm on a show, I know what's going on, and if it's going wrong what we have to do to try to fix it. I'm minutely involved in every part, literally down to the colour of the floor. I can spot a lightbulb out at 100 metres. I don't meant to sound arrogant, it's just that I'm always aware of my surroundings. I like it to look a certain way, to sound a certain way."

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