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Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 Spoiler, Update, Latest News: Gregg Chillin Says First Two Hours Of Show Will Be Like A Movie, His Zoroaster Also Set To Undergo Major Changes

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Craving for Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 Spoiler? Well, the Entertainment Weekly has tons of it after it visited the show in its set yesterday before the crew and cast descended on the New York Comic Con. The EW's Debbie Day talked with a number of casts including Tom Riley who plays Leonardo da Vinci, Laura Haddock who plays Lucrezia Donatti, and Gregg Chillin who plays Zoroaster. Debbie Day also talked with executive John Shiban who explained why their audience isn't getting bigger despite great reviews.

One part of the interview that made a huge mark is the one with Chillin who plays Zoroaster, Da Vinci's playful and sometimes ignorant best friend. There's not much Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 Spoiler focusing on him so the EW took the time to ask more what will happen to Zo.

According to Chillin, the first two episodes of the new Da Vinci's Demons season will be as epic as a blockbuster movie and that will include a back story of Zo.

"[Episodes] 1 and 2 of season 3 are like a two-hour war movie, and stuff happens on that journey where Zo kind of has to take charge of a situation that he's never been in. And he kind of gets so emotionally charged that he reveals bits about his past-about his family. For me, it was like, "Oh my God! I've got a family! I've got a past!" And I think that's what Shiban is doing this year, is really giving us all these amazing stories and pasts that have shaped our choices now, which is cool. It's been really rewarding creatively thus far."

Earlier Da Vinci's Demons season 3 spoiler revealed that one of the first few episodes will see Zo grow into a more mature man.

"[In season 1, he was] naïve and ignorant and not-just young, youthful, not particularly responsible for his actions, even though some of that moral compass stuff came into it ... He has grown into a definitely different, maturer Zoroaster, which has been really nice ... He's kind of-not necessarily in a sad way, but downtrodden by life and his experiences, and because of that, he knows also who he is more. It must be so difficult to break free from someone like Da Vinci, who is so clearly intelligent and a genius and blah-bi-da, but Zo does, because he knows who he is and the sort of person he wants to be, and he doesn't want to be taken for granted, and he has a life to lead and relationships to build."

To see more Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 spoiler, read the Entertainment Weekly's full article here.

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