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Orphan Black Season 3 Spoiler, News, Update: BBC Show Starts Production But One Major Clone Is Notably Missing In First Table Read

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Orphan Black season two ended last June 21. That's just four months ago but surely, waiting becomes more painful, especially with the fact that the BBC America sci-fi drama will return only in 2015. Well, production team has announced that the first official table read has started so expect Orphan Black season 3 spoilers from now on. There are a lot of catching up to do, especially with the way the second season ended. But first things first, why is that photo tweeted by the show does not feature a major clone?

The photo depicts the position on the table of lead star Tatiana Maslany. The paper on the table has the names of the clones written namely Sarah, Alison, Cosima, and Helena. Noticed what's missing? Yes, missing is Rachel Duncan, a clone that was raised by Neolutionists. Where is she? Has she been dropped for the third season? If this tweet pic is indeed an Orphan Black Season 3 spoiler, then many fans of Rachel Duncan might mourn. Although the character is annoying, it still attracted a number of fans because of her sorry story.

If you haven't earlier season, read at your own risk because this is a major Orphan Black season 2 spoiler:

At the end of the second season, Rachel took a shot in the eye from Sarah. Ms. Manning used a makeshift weapon that used a pencil as the bullet to escape from Rachel. It is unclear what happened to Duncan after that scene so writers must already be giving fans what to expect via that picture. Also in the finale, the Dyad Institute has become a minnow villain after it was revealed that the clone projects are intended to form a military. This makes it hard to keep Rachel Duncan relevant. If she'll continue to be on the bad side, there's no way writers can keep her spot because there's already a larger enemy. There will also be male clones patterned from Ari Millen's character Mark. But of course, who wouldn't want to see a clone with an eyepatch?

One photo alone raised a lot of questions so just wait for further Orphan Black Season 3 spoilers in the coming days or weeks.

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