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Tom Clancy’s ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ Release Date, Spoilers Announced: Newest Developments On Video Game, Critics’ Review After Playing Unleashed Demo

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When you put together a great espionage-themed novel with a video game that is sure to keep gamers playing 24/7, you most likely will be playing Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six Siege". Release date has been announced, and critics rave about the gameplay.

In the recent E3, Tom Clancy's 'Rainbow Six Siege' has been announced in production with a release date set on a vague 2015.

According to reports found online, upon the Tom Clancy's 'Rainbow Six Siege' release date on 2015, gamers will experience a first-person shooter game with a Tom Clancy stamp on it.

In a report by International Business Times, the demo "took place in a fully-destructible suburban house, with players able to shoot through walls and blow huge holes in them, and in floors in order to access rooms. That may sound like a shallow whirlwind of destruction but it's juxtaposed by a focus on pre-game planning, with player's able to stake out the environment, and look for methods of entry and attack."

Gamers who were able to play the demo of Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six Siege" has this to say prior to the release date, "We only saw a brief slice of what the game will ultimately turn out to be, but so far our expectations are high since the hands-on time we had was impressive," says a reviewer from IGN.

PC Gamer also has this review on Tom Clacy's "Rainbow Six Siege" prior to the release date: "This E3 demo sold me on Siege's potential as a competitive multiplayer FPS, something the PC desperately needs more of. Like CS:GO's competitive mode, I'm ecstatic to see another multiplayer shooter emphasize timing by giving players a meaningfully-short round clock. Siege is absolutely a different style of FPS; if CS;GO is 30% strategy and 70% execution, Siege feels more like it's 70% strategy and 30% execution, but that proportion feels in the spirit of the Rainbow series."

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