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Miley Cyrus VMA Date Faces Jail Time Of Up To 6 Months, Arrested For Probation Violation

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Miley Cyrus' date in the MTV Video Music Awards last August, Jesse Helt, has been sentenced to six months in jail. The 22-year-old apparently violated the terms of his probation in Oregon.

According to AP, Helt said, "I'd like to be viewed as a good person, not as a nuisance to society,"

Helt was arrested last 2010 for breaking into an apartment. The year after, he violated his probation terms when he failed to meet his probation officer, violated curfew, and was not able to complete 88 hours of community service.

The eager lad had instead moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in modeling. He often found himself homeless and met Miley Cyrus when she visited My Friend's Place, which is a shelter for homeless youth.

In August, we all can remember when Miley Cyrus had Jesse accept her Video of the Year on her behalf. There he took the opportunity to seek the attention of people on the issue of youth homelessness.

In the VMA, Helt said, "Thank you all - my name is Jesse, and I am accepting this award on behalf of the 1.6 million homeless youth in the United States who are starving, lost, and scared for their lives right now. I know this because I am one of these people... Though I may have been invisible to you in the streets, I have the same dreams that have brought you here tonight.

The lad continued while yrus watched from the crown crying, "Los Angeles, entertainment capital, has the largest population of homeless youth in America. The music industry will make over $7 billion this year, and outside these doors are 54,000 human beings that have no place to call home."

A few days later, Helt returned to Oregon to surrender. Miley offered her full support on the legal bills.

During the start of the media's hype Cyrus wrote on facebook, "People who are homeless have lived very hard lives. Jesse included.... I hope that this can be the start of a national conversation about youth homelessness and how to end it."

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