The longest-running family television series has concluded seven years ago yet the series seems to be gaining popularity as "7th Heaven" actor Stephen Collins makes news in 2014 due to an alleged molestation case years back.
The 67-year-old actor played the head of the "7th Heaven" family as Rev. Eric Camden who leads his seven children - Matt (Barry Watson), Mary (Jessica Biel), Lucy (Beverly Mitchell), Simon (David Gallagher), Ruthie (Mackenzie Rosman) and twins Sam and David (Lorenzo and Nikolas Brino) with wife Annie (Catherine Hicks).
"7th Heaven" aired on The WB and then transferred to The CW is among the longest running family series during the late 1990s. It focuses on the story of a family with seven children, and the daily struggles of each member as they abide closely to Christianity and family values.
Stephen Collins news 2014 has surfaced in October that an illegally recorded audio of Collins speaking with a therapist was recorded by his soon-to-be ex wife actress Faye Grant. According to TMZ where the alleged recordings have been released, the confession was pretty detailed. In the report, Stephen Collins news 2014 reveals the actor mentioning that he was inappropriate a few times towards an 11-year-old girl from New York. In the tape, Stephen Collins says "There was one moment of touching where her hand, I put her hand on my p****."
He also goes on to explain the happenings to a few other girls he's exposed himself to.
Stephen Collins and Faye Grant were married in 1985 and have a daughter together. In 2012, the two have been undergoing a nasty divorce and has yet to be finalized.
According to E! News, Grant shared her thoughts upon Stephen Collins' filing for divorce saying "Stephen's filing for divorce is a surprise. I am devastated. I wish him the very best in whatever path he chooses to take. Twenty-seven years of marriage in Hollywood is the equivalent of 189 dog years. I was exhausted."
Updated Stephen Collins news 2014 on the issue of molestation reports that NYPD is now involved, as it has possession of the tape and has already spoken to Grant.