The upcoming comedy-drama film recently premiered at the New York Film Festival has critics buzzing. Paul Thomas Anderson's "Inherent Vice" movie release date has been set for 2014.
Director Paul Thomas Anderson received worldwide recognition for "Boogie Nights" and "Magnolia" in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He is widely known as a child prodigy as he received acclaim for his feature films while barely in his 30s.
His other movies include "Punch-Drunk Love" in 2002, "There Will Be Blood" in 2007 and "The Master" in 2012. He has also created short films such as "The Dirk Diggler Story" in 1988, "Cigarettes and Coffee" in 1993 and "Couch" in 2002.
Based on the novel by Thoman Pynchon, upon the "Inherent Vice" movie release date, the story focuses on "private eye Doc Sportello's ex-old lady suddenly out of nowhere shoes up with a story about her current billionaire land developer boyfriend who she just happens to be in love with, and a ploy by his wife and her boyfriend to kidnap that billionaire and throw him in a looney bin," explains CinemaBlend.
"Inherent Vice" movie release date has been set to December while a first showing has been revealed during the recent New York Film Festival.
Reports say that the movie was projected in 35mm and director Anderson has shares his thoughts according to Indiewire. He raves, "It's playing tonight at Alice Tully Hall. Luckily, we're able to still keep that alive and going - I started doing at the beginning, so it's the only way I know how to do it."
Using 35mm film during the shooting of "Inherent Vice" movie, he clarifies that he remains a fan of developing technology, but also believes that the classics shouldn't be phased out. He says, "Not to phase anything out; there's room for both things. I'm just glad the projectors are still there. That should just be how it is, nothing should go away."
"Inherent Vice" movie release date is set on December 12, 2014.