After struggling to find invites for OnePlus 1 last April, Oppo Electronics finally have a second round of invites, this time for a new smartphone. OnePlus 2 release date has been revealed together with new feature updates and pointers how to get an invite this time around!
Among the many android phones popping about worldwide, it seems fairly difficult to pinpoint which is actually better than most. Popularity-wise, the top competing brands include Motorola, Samsung, HTC, Sony and Nexus - that's just the worldwide level. There are existing local android mobiles that are popular in their respective countries. And although are not competitive in the world market, these are the ones masses patronize in smaller groups for the affordability and accessibility compared to the android giants.
Accessibility is one key component why OnePlus 1 became such a huge success. Reviewed by TIME as the "phone of dreams" not solely for the specs but because it's difficult, even close to impossible to get one.
TIME talks about the OnePlus 1 upon its release explaining, "It's hard to imagine a better phone for Android geeks. Too bad you can't get one."
Finally, talks of OnePlus 2 has arrived and with an apparent release date to boot! According to reports online, OnePlus Global has been eyeing the OnePlus 2 release date set in 2015. Although the smartphone may not be release early, second or third quarter of 2015 is most likely the OnePlus 2 release date.
Specs and new features upon the OnePlus 2 release date have also revealed that creators are taking in comments of launching a slightly smaller smartphone, however details of this has yet to be revealed.
Whether or not there's going to be another invitation promotion campaign that will come upon the OnePlus 2 release date remains to be seen. How to get invites for the next OnePlus 2 release date? Stay tuned and we'll help you get yours in 2015.