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Apple's New iOS 8 Software Update Causing Frequest App Crash, Update Pulled Out

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Apple's latest operating system, iOS8, has been reported to cause applications in iPhones and iPads crash more often. Reports surfaced that the new system causes apps to crash around 3.3 percent of the time. This is a 67 percent increase from last year's system version according to analytics firm Crittercism Inc.

Many customers have raised complaints about the issue on twitter, facebook and some on Apple's App Store. Some app regularly freezes and crashes, like Facebook, Dropbox, and other regularly used apps.

Per the analytics firm's report, older models of iPhones experience the most issues. Apple is currently aware of the issue and is trying to fix it in the coming weeks and months ahead.

The iOS 8 is the latest version of Apple's operating system which basically powers the iPhone or iPad. Last week, the new version was released and available to download. The latest version also eats up a chunk of the device's memory so people need to delete more data just to fit the new operating system.

But even with all the flaws of the new iOS, it didn't stop people from purchasing the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus just this month. Apple sold a record of more than 10 million phones and has more orders coming in. The supply of iPhones created did not match the demand from the people. In other countries like China, clients had to wait for 3 months before the release of the new devices to their country so some try to buy from the black market at double or even triple the original price.

Some people attribute it to the demand of larger screens in smart phones so the phone can also act as a tablet. This can be seen in the stagnant sales rate of the iPad although some people still prefer to have both. The new phone is stylish, comes with three different colors and las larger screens compared to the previous models. Some people in the United States who ordered the latest model are still waiting for the shipment that might take until October due to very high demand and not enough supply.

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