Actress Juliette Lewis, while promoting her new movie Kelly & Cal, recently made a comment to The Daily Beast regarding Scientology and defended its most famous member Tom Cruise.
Lewis told the publication that "The mainstream media is funded by pharmaceutical companies. When you have the biggest movie star in the world at that time - Tom Cruise - coming out against anti-depressants and Ritalin and just saying, 'Hey why don't you put a warning label on there?' So when Tom came out about that, I've never seen someone get torn down so hard, and they still brutalize him with Scientology pieces to this day."
Lewis also added that Scientology is "it is anti-drug in that you're seeking to live better. It is a religious philosophy and self-help movement. And you'll never see a truthful word written about it in mainstream media."
This has gained much criticism from the public since what Tom Cruise said a few months ago about psychiatry and anti-depressants have hit a hot spot with people who are actually using it. According to Cruise, he wants to educate the people whose lives are being harmed by the drugs.
Lewis formerly spoke about her religion openly in the public. Four years ago, she told the media that people do not understand their religion and thus they are confused. She added that, "You could be a Jewish Scientologist or a Buddhist Scientologist or a Christian Scientologist or anything else." Controversy about the honesty of its members also rose as Scientology has a disconnection policy where members are encouraged to cut off all ties with family and friends who are antagonistic against Scientology.
Some of the celebrity names who are Scientologists are John Travolta and Kirstie Alley.
Scientology is commonly criticized for its outrageous beliefs, branding it as a cult according to many people. Scientology also had many controversies over the years, including tons of lawsuits and litigations. Scientology also has a long history of abuse, brainwashing, and defrauding its members.