Days after delivering he gender equality speech in the United Nations headquarters in New York City last weekend, Emma Watson, the actress received a threat via an online message board from an anonymous user.
Emma Watson is currently promoting UN Women's campaign called HeForShe that encourages men to support and advocate equal rights for women. Watson asked for a better understanding of the importance of equality to all men and women. Per Watson, "Men don't have the benefits of equality either." She said that men too are "fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success." Watson also calls for an understanding of feminism which she described as the "belief that men and women should be given equal rights and opportunities."
Her speech was well received from the audience but there was a threat that emerged recently from a group of hackers announcing that they will release private photos of Watson that were stolen. It is still unsure if the threat is directly related to Watson's campaign. There is also no proof that that Watson's private photos were indeed hacked or if the threat is credible.
A user on 4chan posted a clock doing a countdown along with the message, "Emma You Are Next." 4chan is a message board where hackers posted nude private photos of Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian and a handful more of celebrities.
Celebrities voiced out their support for Watson amidst the disturbing threat. Glee star Chris Colfer posted a picture on twitter holding a paper with #HeForShe written on it.
Emma Watson is known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movie series that showed from 2012 to 2011. Watson also modeled for Burberry's autumn/winter campaign in 2009.
Last July 2014, Watson was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. She made her fisrt country visist to Uruguay as a UN Ambassador where she talked about the need for woman to participate in politics.