Latest from the hit horror film franchise, the "Paranormal Activity 5" release date has been confirmed, to be released under a new title "Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension".
After the 2014 release of "Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones," critics has been generally dismayed as the previous four installments topped the box office, scaring the beejesus out of its audiences.
The supernatural horror film shot in a mockumentary format took audiences to a different level of horrifying experience upon its release in 2007. Reviving "The Blairwitch Project" format of handheld psedu-live camera shots, the "Paranormal Activity" franchise reintroduced audiences to a different world of petrifying horrors using the imagination as more terrifying than actually producing a visual demon of the darkness.
The previous five installments have consistently received gradually sinking feedback, beginning the fourth "Paranormal Activity". The first released in 2007 received a high rating of 83% positive feedback according to Rotten Tomatoes. While the succeeding sequels didn't receive anything closer to a 70% positive feedback, producers remain faithful to the franchise, confident that upon the "Paranormal 5" release date, fans would soon have a change of heart.
With five installments produced, the "Paranormal Activity 5" (actually is the sixth) has been renamed as "Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension", reports EW.
"Paranormal Activity 5" release date was initially set for October 25, 2014. However, due to delayed production, Paramount has officially announced that "Paranormal Activity 5" release date has been moved to March 13, 2015.
Apart from "Paranormal Activity 5" release date information, other news surface online. According to IMDB, the latest sequel will be directed by Gregory Plotkin known for his work in Academy Award Winning "The Insider" in 1999 and "Pay It Forward" in 2000.
The script will be written by Jason Pagan and Andrew Stark, reports It is also speculated that the plotline will revolve on a new family this time, and of course two young girls.