The virtual reality head-mounted gadget known as the Oculus Rift will be out with its consumer version and will revolutionize communication upon its release date.
Developed by Oculus VR, an American virtual reality tech company, the Oculus Rift is a technology gadget that is created for a 3D gaming experience. The gadget is worn as a headpiece, with helmet-like enclosure that covers both eyes.
In July, the social media company Facebook acquired the Oculus Rift in July for $2 billion. Facebook boy wonder, Mark Zuckerberg explains the purchase in this status update saying, "At this point we feel we're in a position where we can start focusing on what platforms will come next to enable even more useful, entertaining and personal experiences. With Oculus, it's that they're the clear leader in something that has the potential to be the next important, or one of the next most important computing platforms."
Updated news on the development of Oculus Rift consumer version and its release date has been released. According to reports, although the gadget cost Facebook CEO $2 billion, Zuckerberg ascertains that it will come out as cheap as possible.
According to Oculus VR co-founder, Nate Mitchell in his interview with Eurogamer, he reveals that the Oculus VR consumer version will cost about $200-$400 a pop. Relatively not bad for your average gamer.
Mitchell however shares on the price, "That could slide in either direction depending on scale, preorders, the components we end up using, [or] business negotiations."
Zuckerberg also shares about the plans for Oculus Rift consumer version and says, "It's different from anything I've ever experienced in my life. Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play and communicate. Immersive gaming will be the first, Oculus already has big plans here that won't be changing and we hope to accelerate."
Oculus Rift consumer version release date has been set to summer of 2015.