Following the events of the untimely demise of comedian Joan Rivers, clinic director of the New York's Upper East Side Lawrence Cohen decided to step down. The medical director who owns 12 percent of the clinic, is no longer doing any operations according to spokesperson for the Yorkville Endoscopy Center.
Reporters failed to reach Cohen for comments.
Yorkville has not received any complaints prior to the incident with Joan Rivers. Speculations are still preliminary on whether or not the clinic had any wrongdoings at the time of Joan Rivers' procedure was being done. There is an ongoing State Health investigation on whether the clinic have violated any regulations but as of the moment, no reports have been released on their findings.
Joan Rivers was an actress, comedian, author and television host. She is known for the witty antics and sharp-tongued comments on her segment in the E! celebrity fashion show Fashion Police. She also appeared in the reality series Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best?, starring her and her daughter Melissa Rivers.
Joan Rivers, 81, passed last September 4, 2014 from complications from a throat surgery that she had at a clinic in Yorkville Manhattan. Endoscopy is a fairly simple procedure where the doctor will insert a scope down the patient's throat. The patient can opt to be awake of be put under anesthsia during the procedure. While under the procedure, Joan suddenly stopped breathing. She was put into a medically induced coma after she was rushed to mount Sinai Hospital. She reportedly suffered from a cardiac arrest and was put on life support last August 30.
The funeral of the comedian was held at the Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan last September 7 and was attended by Hollywood bigwigs.This private ceremony was considered a true Hollywood event, which according to her daughter Melissa, is what Joan would have wanted for the funeral.