Babies swimming at the age of six months? It's a shocking thought to even think about trying it. Parents have always been cautious of the safety of their children and would think twice before letting their baby in the water. But what if it works? Would you try to let your baby swim and the age of six months?
There are plenty of youtube videos that came out featuring babies under the age of one that were put underwater and miraculously swam by themselves. There are already plenty of instructors that offer swimming lessons for babies. Surprisingly, there are also plenty of parents that were willing to let their babies learn and most of them were very happy of the outcome.
How do babies do it? All babies have the dive reflex and the swimming reflex - both reflexes make them look like good swimmers. The dive reflex causes babies to hold their breaths as well as open their eyes underwater. This weakens as the baby grows older. The swimming reflex is the swimming motion babies do - moving arms and legs while baby has their tummy down facing the water. A pediatric pulmonologist in Denver adds though that these reflexes do not protect babies from drowning. An infant might swallow huge amount of water which can be dangerous. It is still necessary to supervise your baby at all times while in the water.
Opinions on teaching your baby to swim at an early stage still vary amongst people. Some instructors offer swimming classes for children as young as six months. Others still believe in waiting for their children to become a few years older. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, they recommend waiting for the children to reach the age of four for them to start learning how to swim. Whether or not you want your child to learn swimming at a young age is still your decision. For parents who want to start their child early in water, you should always remember that water safety is the most essential thing. One should always remember to never leave their children unattended when they are in or near water.