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Gotye In Politics? 'Somebody That I Use To Know' Singer And His Band Forming A Rock And Roll Party In Australia

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Belgian-Australian musician Gotye, known as Wally De Backer in real life, is looking for a new gig. No, it's not something that involves guitar and music. The 'Somebody that I Used to Know' singer is now working his way towards politics by forming a 'Rock and Rolly' party. As per reports by The Guardian, Gotye and his band, the Basics, are now planning to form a political party for Victoria's November state election. The singer said that he and his band-mates Kris Schroeder and Tim Heath are building such group as antithesis to 'lifelong politicians.'

“Politics in this country is treated like it belongs to the elite,” Schroeder said. “We have these career politicians who often come from well-to-do families ... and they are groomed into becoming these lifelong politicians that have no other life experience outside of either being in the young Liberals or young Labor, and becoming a member of parliament.

“Decisions don’t have to be made by these elite, you can just be musicians. We’ve all got higher education degrees so we’re not just musicians, but we haven’t come up through any political ideology. We just care about certain things like Indigenous affairs and education.”

The Basics Rock and Roll Party aims to become pillars of music, education and rock and roll. They hope to improve Indigenous local learning in educational institutions in Victoria and provide access to music to rural areas in the state.

“We’re interested in giving an equal opportunity to all as far as access to music is concerned, and I guess that’s across the board what we’re really interested in,” Schroeder said.

“A lot of the issues we’re discussing are really federal issues, I can see that being an arena for the future,” he said.

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