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Justin Timberlake Death Hoax: Enraged Fans Attack Hoax Reporters Through Social Media, ‘RIP Justin Timberlake’ Facebook Page Taken Down

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Justin Timberlake (JT) takes on his second death hoax earlier this Sunday as a Facebook page named "R.I.P. Justin Timberlake" surfaced online and stunned fans across the globe.

According to the Facebook page: 'At about 11AM ET on Sunday (August 17, 2014), our beloved singer Justin Timberlake passed away. Justin Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981 in Memphis. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page.'

Numerous satirical websites followed up the page with the alleged specificities of the musician-actor's accident. It was said that Timberlake was over-speeding while driving a friend's vehicle, which resulted to his untimely death. The perpetrators even went as far as posting an overturned vehicle with the story as testimony of the event. The same accident was blamed for his alleged 'fatal accident' last July 2013.

Representatives of JT did not delay and released the statement on the entire Justin Timberlake death hoax the following day (Monday). Condemning the hoax and reassuring the public that Justin is well and alive.

It was reported the almost a million of Justin's followers responded to the bogus Facebook page, liking the post and commenting-even sharing their condolences. Although the page has been taken down, Twitterverse was flooded with fuming and quite literal, bashing comments from fans saying: 'whoever started this RIP Justin Timberlake, we are going to find you and bash your head!' (@DamonKlauTVD).

Although the reason for taking down the Facebook page on this entire Justin Timberlake death hoax might not be clear, one thing is certain: it may be easy to spread meaningless and possibly self-serving fallacious news on the web, but it's always easier to find the truth, and hopefully troll the fibber to kingdom come (or just delete the page).

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