A run of the Space Launch System rocket, and Orion multi-purpose crew vehicle are among the additional details NASA unveiled Thursday VOA News reported.
"There is real hardware in manufacture for the path to Mars," William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for NASA's human exploration and operations told senators of the Senate, Commerce, Science, and Transportation subcommittee VOA News reported.
"We're going to grab a piece of the solar system, we're going to deflect it around the moon and insert it into a distant retrograde orbit around the moon where our crews can go visit," Gerstenmaier told VOA News reported.
The private one way mission will bring a robotic lander, and communications satellite to the red planet Fox News reported. Lockheed Martin is involved with the creation of the lander while Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. is probing a study for the satellite.
The satellite will allow those involved in the mission to view a live video stream of the undertaking from Earth according to CNN.
One thousand and fifty-eight people across the globe passed through the initial phases, and onto the first round as part of The Mars One Mission Reuters reported.
The individuals were then scheduled to go through intense examinations that involve mock scenarios depicting life on the red planet, and dealing with isolation according to information from Lansdorp Reuters reported.
A couple Dutch men are behind the project. The two envision the endeavor being made possible from investors, and ownership of a TV documentary about the process, training, and ultimate selection Reuters reported.
Humans travelling to space has created concern about their journey and the health risks involved.
For instance, according to a press release, astronauts run the risk of becoming lightheaded, or when one becomes unconscious via orthostatic hypotension when the body's blood pressure drops if someone stands on two feet.