
Crazy Ants to Reportedly Invade Houston in Coming Weeks

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Crazy ants are expected to swarm the Houston area in the coming weeks The French Tribune reported Friday.

The insects will add to the over 20 counties in Texas where the species reside by the billions.

"These ants are so much more powerful than fire ants, when these crazy ants move in they take over," Tom Rasberry, a Pearland exterminator told television station KPRC.

"They've gotten into electronic systems in chemical plants and shorted-out equipment that forced the plants to shut down entire units," Raspberry told KPRC.

"Once you have them, and get them identified, that's when you treat for them," Rasberry told KPRC.

The crazy ants bring together other species of their kind when struck by electricity.

"They can get into electrical equipment. They get electrocuted. and unfortunately that signals other ants to the same place," Paul Nester, a person knowledgable about bugs at Texas A&M Cooperative Extension Service told KRPC.

Crazy ants are apparently outnumbering fire ants especially in the southern United States, and scientists are puzzled about why they are conquering the fire ant Live Science reported Feb. 17.

According to Live Science, fire ants have venom capable of fatally sickening the majority of ants it encounters. Crazy ants however protect themselves from the poison via one of their own that they cover themselves with to counterbalance the effect of the the fire ants chemicals.

Crazy ants came in the year 2000 or 2002 The Guardian Liberty Voice reported. Their name is derived in Texas, and Florida because of their preposterous actions. and the way they appear.

Lebrun observed how crazy ants behaved while standing up on their back legs, and folding their abdomens, along with releasing a chemical to downgrade the venom from the fire ants when they were ambushed Live Science reported. Lebrun and his fellow scientist colleagues applied nail polish to better comprehend the effect of the chemicals on the ants.

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