
Scientists Find Mummified Woman Perished From Ritual Sacrifice

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A woman mummy perished from impacts relating to giving up her body scientists found.

"We assumed she died in a ritual killing but we have no clear evidence from written sources," Andreas Nerlich one of the authors of the study out of Munich University told BBC.

Scientists examined her head and found she had blunt trauma indicating she died a quick death from a quick punch to her noggin BBC News reported.

The mummy also apparently had Chagas, a disease that originates from a bug bite MedlinePlus reported.

"The parasite lives in mud-brick walls typical of those from lower social classes, not in stone houses or better equipped, cleaner surroundings," Nerlich told BBC.

"Present-day techniques offer such a wealth of information that we can reconstruct various aspects of past lives, diseases and death," Nerlich told BBC.

"This individual is older than the usual profile of ritually killed females, who are typically around the age of 13 or 14," Dr. Emma of the department of archaeological sciences at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom Brown told BBC.

"It is important to recognize the historical context of this mummy. The radiocarbon dates cover the period of the Spanish conquest of the Americas," Brown told BBC.

"Historical records describe repressive and extreme forms of violence and recent bio-archaeological investigations of conquest-era cemeteries have revealed that many types of trauma, including massive blunt force cranial trauma [shown here] are quite common," Brown told BBC.

Scientists did not know the origination of the mummy in the last decade and some change, however recent advancements in CT scan technology, rebuilding of the mummy's body from its injuries, and DNA provided information about its initial location BBC reported.

Archaeologists believe the mummy is more than 500 years old, and estimated to have perished as she began her 20s.

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