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Sprint Adds Wi-Fi Calling Service for Samsung Galaxy Mini and Mega

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Sprint announced on Friday it is offering a new Wi-Fi calling and messaging service as a way to improve network coverage for customers.

The Samsung Electronics Galaxy Mega and Samsung Galaxy S4 mini will be the first two devices to have access to Sprint's Wi-Fi service. Customers who use the two devices must first install an over-the-air update to gain access to the service, according to FierceWireless.

The Wi-Fi service allows customers to make phone calls and send text messages domestically for free, CNET reported. The service provides more convenience than other Sprint services that have voice minutes and text messages counted toward a monthly allotment of activity.

Sprint spokeswoman Natalie Papaj stated Wi-Fi calling only works on Android Phones at this time, FierceWireless reported.

"In order to provide the customer with a seamless experience, Wi-Fi calling is deeply embedded into the handset," Papaj said. "This is currently only possible on Android devices."

Sprint explained the benefits of Wi-Fi calling such as improved coverage, unlimited voice calling and messaging, and easy setup, FierceWireless reported. Sprint said customers "will experience improved voice, data and messaging services in locations that previously had limited or no mobile network coverage."

Sprint's new service puts it in competition with other companies that use Wi-Fi, according to CNET. T-Mobile was the first mobile company to release a Wi-Fi voice service to extend coverage of its voice network, and AT&T built bigger Wi-Fi hot zones as a way to spread out coverage on its network.

Sprint also stated in a blog post that it plans to bring the Wi-Fi calling service to additional devices this year, according to PCWorld.

"It's not uncommon for customers to experience mobile network coverage issues within their home, apartment or office building due to materials interfering with the Sprint network," Sprint said. "For customers that travel outside of Sprint's coverage or experience poor coverage in their homes or office, Wi-Fi calling is a solution that addresses these issues."

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