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Lex Luthor Is Most Important Character In 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Movie Says Affleck

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Many were intrigued with Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, or even the main villain Doomsday when they first saw the two released "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" trailer.

For Ben Affleck himself, it is Jesse Eisenberg's character Lex Luthor people should have their eyes glued on. The veteran actor and multi-awarded director says is the most interesting character in the DC film.

"Luthor is, for me, the most interesting character in the film," he told Studio Cine Live. "He's radically different from what we've seen so far. He's grounded in reality, and he's extraordinary. This type of film is only as good as its villain. That's why The Dark Knight was so brilliant, because of Heath Ledger's Joker."

Affleck went on to praise the way Eisenberg portrays his role

"Jesse improves the film with each scene he's in," Batfleck said. "He's not your usual one-dimensional villain, there's a whole psychology behind him."

In the comics, Luthor figured in so many battles with Superman as well as Batman and other superheroes. Although he does not have any superpower, he still manages to go toe to toe against the world's most powerful beings by just using his high level of intellect.

"Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" Zack Synder has long ago heaped praises for Eisenberg amid fan cries he is too young for the role.

"Having Jesse in the role allows us to explore that interesting dynamic, and also take the character in some new and unexpected directions," he said in a statement.

He is indeed not the Luthor people grew up watching and reading. According to a stylized magazine Fortune meant to promote "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice", Eisenberg's character is the son of the famous villain. He is Alexander Luthor Jr. - "a 31-year-old wunderkind who transformed an aging petrochemical and heavy machinery dinosaur into a tech darling of the Fortune 500 in what some call a superhuman feat."

"Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" release date is March 25 next year.

Watch "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" trailers below.

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