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‘Suicide Squad’ Star Cara Delevingne Attacks Paparazzi With Water Guns After Twitter Slam [Watch]

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Cara Delevingne strikes her "Suicide Squad" brand of justice over a swarm of paparazzi after a photographer attempted to take her photo in a disrespectful angle.

On Dec. 17, Cara Delevingne took to Twitter to slam rude paparazzi again after a photographer tried to take her photo upskirt as she returned to the U.K.

"If a picture tomorrow comes out soon of my ass... I sincerely apologise!" the "Suicide Squad" actress wrote. "Some disgusting so-called 'human' with a camera tried to take a picture up my skirt."

"Welcome home," she concluded, along with a U.K. flag emoji.

In a follow-up Tweet, Cara Delevingne asked her 4.3 million followers what best way to avenge herself.

"Any suggestions... Eggs?" the model-actress wrote.

However, the "Paper Towns" actress seemed to have decided against eggs and went for a more bad-ass way to counter paparazzi -- guns.

Water guns, to be exact. Just a few hours after slamming paparazzi on her Twitter account, Cara Delevingne posted a short video clip on Instagram where she was seen squirting water from a water gun at paparazzi waiting for her outside the LOVE Christmas party in London.

"Pay back," Cara Delevingne captioned the Instagram clip. She was with her girlfriend, St. Vincent, who was also seen shooting water guns at the photographers.

Pay back A video posted by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on Dec 18, 2015 at 7:58pm PST

This isn't the first time the model-actress took a stab at the paparazzi.

In September, Cara Delevingne sounded off on Twitter while in Milan to promote her Mango campaign with Kate Moss.

"The paparazzi only get worse! I am not complaining but I just find it sad that I can't live in my own city because for that reason," she wrote. "If only I could make you feel the way you make me feel, I just hope that outside of this, you are able to feel empathy for others."

"Some of you are definitely worse than others and I promise that it will come back around to bite you, if not, I CERTAINLY WILL!" Delevingne warned.

And bite back, she did!

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