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Barbara Walters Reveals Her 'Most Fascinating People 2015' List! Bradley Cooper Is 'Screwable!'

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Big personalities such as MMA fighter Ronda Rousey, businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump and actor Bradley Cooper among others made it to Barbara Walters' most fascinating people of 2015.

However, Walters had revealed her most fascinating person of 2015 during the ABC News special "Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2015" on Thursday and Caitlyn Jenner got the title for this year, owing it on her outspoken and strong passion to bring awareness and hope to the transgender, according to ABC 7.

Among the list of the people who made it to her list for this year is Misty Copeland, who started her ballet career at the tender age of 13.

Now the 33-year-old dance made history in 2015 when she became the first African American female principal dancer in the American Ballet Theater, a company that is running for 75 years now.

One of the big personalities who has been included in the Barbara Walters' most fascinating list is comedienne and producer Amy Schumer.

Known for her sketch series "Inside Amy Schumer" that has been favorable to Emmy Awards, she's also a serious role model in 2015 as a spokesperson against gun violence after a gunman made an open fire during a "Trainwreck" screening in Louisiana last July.

"She's so hot this year, she really is," Walters said about Schumer. "She's funny, she's smart and has not had the easiest life at all."

But probably the most controversial of all the celebrities enlisted in Barbara Walters' most fascinating list would be actor Bradley Cooper, who Walters thought was "screwable," according to Vulture.

"I love Bradley Cooper," Walters said. "He is a very nice man."

Walters even made comments about the "The Hangover" actor on Good Morning America, saying that, "I'm being quoted as saying he's very screwable."

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