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'Bleach' Manga Spoilers And Predictions: Chapter 653 To Unleash The Full Potential Of The Heavenly Sword?

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For those who are looking for some "Bleach" spoilers, look no more, here's one for the fans who are craving for some "Bleach" manga chapter 653 spoilers.

Fans and followers have witnessed on the last chaper that Nanao got a grip on how her Zanpaktou, the Hakkyouken works.

With her powers, Nanao was able to damage Barro a bit although it wasn't enough for her to finish him off. Shunsui appeared behind her and instructed her that they will finish him off together - just in time because she was on a pinch.

Henry Ma of contributed for "Bleach" manga chapter 653 spoilers and he predicted that Kyourako has still one trump card in his bag. There might be a usage of the second soul of his Zanpaktou to put an end to their monstrous opponent.

"The next chapter of 'Bleach' will likely be the conclusion of the fight between Kyouraku and Lille Barro, as it seems that Kyouraku has a final trump card to play in the last panel of this chapter. We could possibly see 'Kyoukatsu,' the second soul of Kyouraku's Zanpakutou, aide in the battle as we've never got to see her much at all," Ma wrote on his blog.

On the other hand, he also said that the chapter is getting a little dragging already and that it should come into a conclusion as soon as possible.

"It will be great if we can see both of Kyouraku's Zanpakutou spirits get into action to defeat Lille Barro, and I really hope the next chapter doesn't end with another cliffhanger or else my head will explode like Lille Barro's from sheer rage," Ma added.

"Bleach" manga chaper 653 spoilers should have been out by Nov 26.

Fans will sure be excited for the spoilers and raw photos that will come out of Manga Spoiler among other websites.

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