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'Dragon Ball Super' Manga Chapter 7 Spoilers: Champa's Universe 6 Fighters Vs Beerus' Universe 7 Warriors Tournament

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There are a few spoilers here and there regarding on what's going to happen and what one should expect in the upcoming chapter 7 of the widely popular "Dragon Ball Super" manga.

What is going to happen in the Champa Saga is what the Dragon Ball fans from across the globe are eager to know. The recent "Dragon Ball Super" chapter 6, according to Saiyan Island, has unearthed a lot of intriguing plot twists for the upcoming saga of this long-running animated series.

A new manga chapter gets released once in a month and, apparently, a new episode airs in Japan every week. In that case, the manga version of the "Dragon Ball Super" is known to be episodes ahead of the anime TV arrangement.

It is due to the TV series skipped the Resurrection F adventure. In chapter 6 which was recently released, fans were able to have a glimpse of the backgrounds and history of both Beerus and Champa's twin-rivalry.

More than that fans were able to know the Universe 6 and Universe 7 teams that are going to battle it out against each other in a Universe vs. Universe Tournament.

According to some spoiler reports, the Champa saga is where fans will be first introduced to what many refer to as "Super Dragon Balls."

These balls are said to be mythical both in power and size (each of the balls has the same size of the planets). Rumors have it that Champa is traveling across the universe in search for the remaining Super Dragon Balls.

Champa has six balls in his possession and took to Beerus to search for the rearward in his universe.

More "Dragon Ball Super" spoilers according to the Attack of the Fan Boy claim that Beerus and Champa are setting up a competition between Universe 6 and 7.

The conditions are the following, the Earth will be swapped if Champa wins but Beerus will get the six Super Dragon Balls that Champa has gathered if Beerus will become the victor of the competition.

Stay tuned for more recent spoilers and predictions of the upcoming chapter 7 of "Dragon Ball Super."

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