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‘Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain’ PS4 Cheats & Hints - Have Hideo Kojima In Your Crew

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Following its huge successful launch in September, here are new "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain" PS4 cheats and hints that will make your gameplay experience amazing.

According to IGN, a list of cheats and secret codes have been revealed to make every player's experience better.

Apparently, a player can take a chopper down just by planting explosives on the vehicle under it and fultoning it until it reaches the same altitude as the helicopter before pushing the button.

And when Kaz asked the magic word during a rescue operation, all you have to do is press the action button to reveal the hidden response.

And on Mission 10, a player could easily defeat Quiet by calling in a supply drop right above her head, which could easily provide critical damage.

Another tip is to battle with her during night time to avoid any healing abilities by using the sunlight.

And if you're not yet aware, you can drown your enemies by carrying them in the water after being stunned.

Meanwhile, Cheatcc has provided one major cheat that can get Hideo Kojima over at your team in "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain."

By importing a saved game file from "Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes," players could easily get Hideo Kojima on their side in the in-game.

And by doing this, you could also get bonus items such as Gold Bionic Arm, Ground Zeroes Sneaking Suit and even a Metal Gear Solid 1 Skin.

IGN has listed more "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain" cheats and hints, which could be accessed here of here at CheatCC

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