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Watch 'Homeland' Season 5 Episode 12 Finale Online Live Stream Titled 'A False Glimmer'

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Watch Showtime show "Homeland" season 5 episode 12 finale online live stream titled "The Opening Night Excitation" here at SHO.

Different regions have different rules and if there's trouble accessing the link about "Homeland" could also be watched here or here.

Carrie, Quinn and Saul's journey in Germany is coming to an end in the season 5 finale episode of "Homelan."

While showrunners have remained tighlipped on what to expect on the season finale, scenes from last week's episode has set the stage for a hopefully explosive ending from Showtime's hit series.

Last week's ending to episode titled "Our Man in Damascus," saw Carrie (Claire Danes) running down a train tunnel to follow Qasim (Alireza Bayram) after finding our what Bibi's real target was.

Will Carrie be able to stop the attack in the upcoming season finale of "Homeland?"

Episode 12 will follow where episode 11 left off, with Carrie hurriedly following the footsteps of Qasim looking very determined.

With all the action about to explode, Quinn is seen recovering inside a hospite with a doctor saying that he has a large hematoman.

Following footages showed Carrie being attacked by Qasim while trying to convince him to stop the attack that would definitely kill thousands of people.

"Homeland" season 5 episode 12 Finale synopsis reads below:

"Time is running out."

For more Showtime shows, there is a live stream of the channel which can be accessed at SHO or here or here (different regions might access different sites), and through that, fans can watch "Homeland" season 5 episode 12 finale.

"Homeland" season 5 episode 12 finale online live stream will have recurring ads that pop up every once in a while. If this is the only way you can view "Homeland" season 5 episode 12 finale live stream, do not be deterred and the live streaming will work once the ads disappear.

Be sure to catch "Homeland" season 5 episode 12 finale tonight at 9:00 pm EST SHO or here or here .

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