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Drake vs Meek Mill Beef Heats Up As Nicki Minaj Accepts A Sexy Birthday Gift From ‘Hotline Bling’ Rapper?

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"Anaconda" rapper, Nicki Minaj recently celebrated her birthday but instead of it being a day of total happiness, the long-rumored beef between her boyfriend, Meek Mill versus "Hotline Bling" rapper, Drake seems to be boiling.

According to Hollywood Life, Nicki Minaj received perhaps one of the most enviable birthday gifts a girl could receive this year - a whole bunch of Tom Ford burgundy lipstick. The website reported that Nicki Minaj's current boyfriend, Meek Mill didn't know about the sexy birthday gift from "Hotline Bling" rapper, Drake.

"For her birthday, (Drake) sent her a case of Tom Ford's Drake lipstick and the cold part about it is Nicki's been wearing it on her lips and Meek doesn't even know!" a source for the website said.

"They've been texting and there was no way Drake would not reach out or send her something for her birthday," the source continued. "He loves everything about Nicki's body, including her lips, and thought the lipstick was the perfect gift."

To add fuel to the Drake vs. Meek Mill beef rumors, the rapper allegedly sent some flirty texts to Nicki Minaj.

"He pulled a few strings to get it to her on her birthday and when he knew she'd received it, he jokingly text her and told her that every time she puts it on her lips she better be thinking about him," the source alleged.

Despite the fabulous gift, Nicki Minaj didn't reportedly get what she really wanted for her birthday - a marriage proposal from Meek Mill.

"Instead he gave her a giant diamond that looks exactly like an engagement ring, but he failed to pop the question," the website read.

"Nicki is giving Meek a huge hint with the diamond ring and wants him to pop the question this year. She wants to be married in 2016 but she isn't engaged yet!" another Hollywood Life report read.

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