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Rachel Weisz Says Talking About Life With Daniel Craig Is Like A 'Betrayal'

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In an interview, actress Rachel Weisz dishes out what it's like to be married to Daniel Craig.

She has said that she decided to keep their personal lives private, given that his husband is a widely-known actor.

Weisz has been on the go to promote her new film called "Youth," while Craig has just arrived home from a very hectic tour around the world to promote his current movie "Spectre."

Weisz is full of joy now that Craig was finally home to spend time away from work, according to People.

Kate Middleton told Weisz that she must be glad that her husband is finally home, when the actress has the chance to meet the Duchess of Cambridge. Weisz then claimed her eyes welled up with tears for that what she actually felt.

In another interview, the actress confided that her life was not easy all the time. She added that the went through "painful" experiences when she was still young for the reason that she had no clue as to who she really was.

"Now I have wisdom and experience," Weisz told More. "I know what interests me in a way I didn't before. I'm much more focused on what matters to me. I waste less time. There's a huge relief in that."

When asked what's on the list of things that are important to her, her love life with Daniel Craig is on the top of it, which is why Rachel Weisz sees that talking about that aspect would feel like a "betrayal."

She also said that she was very cautious with the information she would share because her husband is "too famous," she claimed.

"When you're young, you tell your girlfriends everything. One of the great pleasures of not being an adolescent is that you don't have to share everything. When you're married, that door closes. The audience goes, and you're in your own life."

Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig still support each other even when most of the time they are apart, working on their respective projects

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