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Following Split With Chris Martin, Jennifer Lawrence Finally Decides To Date 'Hunger Games' Co-star Liam Hemsworth?

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Following a heart breaking split with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, Jennifer Lawrence has reportedly been dating her "Hunger Games" co-star, Liam Hemsworth.

While the two have been romatically linked to each other for quite some time already, it's only been now that they have reportedly decided to give it a try since the "Hunger Games" series has already ended, Mirror reported.

Miley Cyrus' ex-fiance is reportedly "keen to take things further" with Nicholas Hoult's ex-girlfriend.

"Everyone knows what's going on, the chemistry is so obvious," a source told Heat magazine via Mirror.

"Liam would love to be in a relationship with her," the source continued. "He's said more than a few times that she's his dream girl."

The rumored couple has reportedly been spotted getting "cozy" during a date in New York.

"Liam had his arm around Jen for most of their meal and she was resting her head against his shoulder," Irish Independent reported. "They looked very cosy and were touching the entire time."

"They're so compatible, and it's not just about looking good together. They have the same sense of humour - when they're together, they laugh non-stop."

While the Australian hunk has remained silent about the rumors, JLaw on the other hand, gladly opened up about her failed experiences in dating.

"No one ever asks me out," she ranted in an interview with Vogue.

"I am lonely every Saturday night. Guys are so mean to me. I know where it's coming from, I know they're trying to establish dominance, but it hurts my feelings. I'm just a girl who wants you to be nice to me."

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