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'Gears Of War 4' Expected To Be Better Than 'Halo 5' - Release Date Happening Next Year?

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When will the "Gears of War 4" release date be?

That is the question most of the fans of the hit game are asking.

And while The Microsoft Studios has scheduled the game to be released in the last quarter of next year, according to Trusted Reviews, Kenny McDonnell of Movie Pilot claimed that "Gears of War 4" is most likely going to be better than "Halo 5."

McDonnell and his team, who attended the Gamescom in Köln, Germany, were able to get a hold of gaming titles such as "Halo 5" and "Metal Gear Solid V."

And during the trial, McDonnell concluded that "Halo 5" performed disappontingly underwhelming.

"At Gamescom we had the opportunity to try out some multiplayer matches with Halo 5 and they were surprisingly underwhelming."

For him, looking forward to playing "Gears of War 4" is more exciting than anticipating "Halo 5."

"But there was another game that I found to be particularly underwhelming and that was Halo 5. After Gamescom, the Xbox One exclusive that I'm looking forward to the most now is Gears of War 4," he said.

And while McDonnell did not mention anything about the release date of "GOW 4," Rod Fergusson gamely shared details about the highly anticipated game in a report by Game Spot.

Apparently, the fourth sequel will provide "that sense of mystery, things going bump in the night," which may have been lacking from the third installment.

"We're going back to something personal, intimate, dark, and mysterious, being afraid of the boogeyman."

And in a seperate interview with IGN, Fergusson talked about going back to the game's roots.

"The stories have changed a lot from 10 years ago," he said. "Back in the day people expected stories to be black and white, there's good and bad. Today, people want a lot of grey, a lot moral ambiguity, things that are open to interpretation about what's right and wrong."

For now Game Spot reported that fans will get the chance to play the beta of "Gears of War 4" next year.

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