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Amy Schumer Fighting With Jennifer Lawrence? ‘Hunger Games’ Star Wants To ‘Match’ ‘Trainwreck’ Actress

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Is the internet's favorite squad a.k.a. the Amy Schumer-Jennifer Lawrence friendship over?

Well, not likely.

Although Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence did want to have a "match" at the Golden Globes this year - and by "match," they mean having matching outfits!

"We're going to try to figure out to wear the exact same thing," Jennifer Lawrence told E! Online while promoting her new film, "Joy."

The "Hunger Games" actress said that they were dead serious about the matching outfits, according to People Magazine.

"That's my mission. I really want us to wear the same thing," Lawrence added.

As to what kind of dress Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence had in mind for the Golden Globes on Jan. 10, the "Hunger Games" actress said they were planning to wear something from Dior.

"She's going to have to wear Dior," she said. "I'm just going to have to have Dior make two of whatever they're making for me."

Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer have become very close ever since their vacation in Hawaii this year, where they rode jet skis and built human pyramids along with the "Trainwreck" actress' high school friends.

"Once a year I go away with all my girlfriends from high school," Schumer explained after their vacation photos went viral. "We went to the Hamptons, because they wouldn't let us go back to Martha's Vineyard."

"So we go to the Hamptons, and Jennifer and I have become friends," Schumer said. "And I was like, 'Oh, we're going on a boat tomorrow, you should come.' It was kind of hypothetical, and she was like, 'I think I'm coming,' and I was like, 'Oh my God.'"

On October, Amy Schumer, Jennifer Lawrence, Aziz Ansari and Chris Pratt even got together on a working vacation and cooked up a short Instagram clip that basically sums up their sense of humor.

Since the world came to know Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence's squad, at least half of the internet population has tagged them the "New #SquadGoals."

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