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Jon Snow To Go Back To Winterfell? Kit Harington’s Presence In Belfast Confirms Theories?

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If HBO's new teaser trailer for "Game Of Thrones" season 6 is anything to go by, Jon Snow will be back this April!

Despite Kit Harington and the rest of the cast's insistence that his famous character is really dead, it seems that he will indeed be back in the upcoming season.

In a report by Times Live, the Lord Commander will indeed be back, not just in flashbacks as previously speculated. He reportedly will be taking back Winterfell from the Boltons and it seems he will finally be meeting Ramsay Bolton.

"Actor Kit Harington has been spotted near the show's Belfast set. His character is said to be preparing to lead an army of Northerners against the Boltons," the site noted.

It further stated that Jon Snow could be reuniting with his sister, Sansa Stark, on his way to his childhood home. In the last season, Sansa married Ramsay because of Littlefinger's goading.

She was later raped and abused by her husband before escaping Winterfell thanks to Reek, who was formerly known as Theon Greyjoy.

Her marriage to Ramsay reportedly "brought out the more savage side of her character." She will supposedly team up with her brother in getting Winterfell back from the Ramsays.

How exactly will Jon Snow be resurrected is still unclear but Kit Harington was spotted filming in Belfast wearing an armor with the Stark logo.

"Jon seems to have finally escaped that honourable but deadly boring job on The Wall, and is wearing the same kind of armour his father Ned wore right up until his death," the Independent previously noted.

A previous report also noted Melisandre was seen filming together with the actor, suggesting that she could be the one who will bring Jon back from death.

In the recently released teaser, it seems that Bran Stark saw everything that happened to his family as well as what exactly will happen in the future with the help of the three-eyed raven.

It looks like fans will see more of Jon Snow in upcoming season. After all, Kit Harington already noted that "Game Of Thrones" will most likely be in his life until his 30s.

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