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Hailee Steinfeld Boyfriends List: Charlie Puth Or Shawn Mendes? Who Is She Dating?

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Hailee Steinfeld's boyfriends list, like any other young celebrities, has been plagued by rumors. Of course, each fan is rooting for a particular candidate as well.

While her closeness with "See You Again" singer Charlie Puth was recently speculated to have been cosier than mere friendship, some fans are adamant to see her end up with Vine star Shawn Mendez instead.

Puth recently revealed that he was seeing a girl that wasn't Meghan Trainor and he wanted to keep this away from the media's prying eyes.

Seventeen Magazine, however, speculated that the girl in question could be the "Pitch Perfect" star. Fans also thought that they looked like "a cute couple" while others thought she looked better with Shawn Mendes instead. They even dubbed them "Shailee."

Prior to the two singers, she was also linked to Austin Mahone. Some fans also loved seeing her as Douglas Booth's Juliette in "Romeo And Juliette."

Which one of the guys in Hailee Steinfeld's boyfriends list does she fit the best with?

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