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‘Alien 5’ News: Neill Blompkamp Movie To Be Released Only After Third ‘Prometheus’ Film?

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On October, director Neill Blompkamp himself announced on Twitter that his film, "Alien 5" is officially put on hold by 20th Century Fox pending Ridley Scott's plans for "Prometheus" sequels; recent reports, accordingly, say that "Alien 5" will have to wait for the prequel trilogy of "Prometheus" to be completed before its release.

Master Herald, in its report, that this move and strategy by 20th Century Fox (completing "Prometheus" prequel trilogy first before releasing Neil Blompkamp's "Alien 5") completely makes sense. It pointed out that releasing "Alien 5" before the prequel trilogy of "Prometheus" will only confuse the viewers.

Ridley Scott previously confirmed that, although there is already a plan to make a connection between the "Alien" and "Prometheus," the connection will not happen until the third "Prometheus" film. Later on, Scott has confirmed that the official title of the second "Prometheus" film will be "Alien: Covenant" and shortly after, he also announced the third film would be called "Alien: Paradise Lost," which he announced earlier this year would be the second film's title until he revealed another change on the title.

According to Master Herald, these changes in the title is quite revealing of how Scott wanted to fast-track the connection of "Alien" and "Prometheus."

But given Scott's statement about the "connection" not happening until the third "Prometheus" film, has it derailed "Alien 5?" Published in Movie Pilot, Ridley Scott told Empire magazine in an interview: "I'm producing ["Alien 5"]. The design is for it to go out next, after ["Alien: Covenant"]. This will go out first. It's more associated with Ripley, it's a completely different angle, it's more of a sequel. I'm coming in from the back end."

In other words, fans will not have to wait for all "Prometheus" films to end before "Alien 5" can enter the scene, which Ridley Scott himself has confirmed. But since "Alien: Covenant" is due for release on 2017, fans may expect for a 2018 or 2019 release of "Alien 5."

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